Castlewood Canyon Bridge
12 years, 11 months ago Posted in: Architecture, Landscape 0
Castlewood Canyon Bridge
Castlewood Canyon in the fall is full of surprises, including this beautiful bridge

Driving south of Franktown, CO, you come across a bridge and then to the Castlewood Canyon State Park entrance.  Many people drive this route and probably never realize how cool the bridge they just drove over really is.  If you head into the park, there is an overlook that looks back to the canyon and the bridge.  During the fall, the colors come out of the scruboak and the trees giving many different colors.  I plan to go back here next year and do the walk on the east side of the bridge to check it out from the other side.  The canyon is a beautiful place and a great place to take kids if you never been there!

If you’re interested in seeing more photos from our trip down there, check them out on Facebook!