I haven’t had a lot of time to work on my Tumblr Calendar since the last time I posted about it, but I’ve seen quite a bit of traffic going to the posts. So while there hasn’t been a ton of vocal people showing their support, I take the number of google searches leading you to my blog an indication of support. I was trying to work on it tonight, then tumblr went down, so I decided to give you an update instead.
Unfortunately, Tumblr hasn’t been very supportive and hasn’t lived up to their promise to add support to query by date in their API. So even though they haven’t added that, I’ve decided I’m going to attempt to at least hack this thing together so it will pull the current years worth of posts. Then maybe I’ll put it up on github and the rest of you can have at it! I’ll get another update out when I have something more concret to show/tell. In the mean time, hang in there and let me know if you really are interested!
This entry was posted on Monday, July 11th, 2011 at 9:04 pm
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Hi! I’m very interested in this calendar project, and if you ever manage to hack anything together I would be extremely interested in seeing it. At this point I’m about ready to hardcode a calendar that links to every day page, whether or not there are actually any posts in it, but I think your method would be rather better looking and more usable.
I released it a little bit ago. FInd the info here: http://andrew.serff.net/2011/09/02/tumblr-calendar-released/
Just wanted to give you an update: Like 2 days after I posted this, Tumblr released their new API. So I will have to rewrite a portion of what I had. The biggest thing holding me back was the ability to load all the images for the year. Otherwise, it is working and you can see it on my tumblr account here: http://tumblr.serff.net/calendar
I’ll try to update it and I think i’m to the point where I’m just going to throw it up on github so others can play with it if they want to. I’ll update you all if I get to that point.
would love to use this! make any progress recently??
I have not touched Tumblr Calendar in quite some time, but I believe it still works. You can find more details here: http://sunkencity.org/2011/09/03/tumblr-calendar which will ultimately take you to the code on github with instructions to install it here: https://github.com/sunkencitysoftware/tumblr-calendar/wiki
Hello! I love this calendar photo idea. I love the look of the calendar. I’d like to use the look of it but able to manually add notes to the calendar for my tumblr. Would it be a matter of using the css for the look and manually creating a table for each and every month? Thank you!
Diz, adding notes to the calendar wouldn’t be quite so easy. The calendar has to pull/store the data from somewhere. It pulls the images from tumblr, so it would have to pull the note data from something in tumblr. You’d have to look at the tumblr API to see what data you could use and you’d have to edit the javascript to display that data. So it’s not quite as easy as editing the css, but shouldn’t be too difficult.
Glad I’ve finally found sotihmeng I agree with!
Great common sense here. Wish I’d thought of that.
“Okay Pastor, I got rid of all the hypocrites Now you may begin your service. Have a nice day!”) I think that today we have the wrong interpretation of what is the church, it was never a building, althuogh today, that’s the most common definition. The church is the body of Christ. I really don’t believe he would go to church “building”, but instead would be hanging out with the poor, the orphans, the widows, the crippled, the sick. I think that is where we will experience Jesus and the Church.
If your articles are always this helpful, “I’ll be back.”
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