Solstice Lunar Eclipse
14 years, 1 month ago Posted in: Landscape 0
Solstice Lunar Eclipse
For the first time in 372 years, the Winter Solstice and a Lunar Eclipse land on the same day

On the Winter Solstice Dec 20/21st of 2010, there was a Lunar Eclipse that adorned the sky.  Luckily, us here in the Mountain time zone were lucky enough to have the eclipse start at 11:30PM, a more reasonable hour than others around the world.  I got a few shot of the moon during the eclipse as the shadow crept across the surface, so I thought I would share one.  This was taken with my 28-135 lens and I wish I had a much longer lens to shoot the moon with.  I also have an 8″ telescope that I hope to start taking photographs with once I figure out all the equipment I need, so maybe I’ll have some more interesting astro-photography to share in the future!